The Zoo. Script: Clodius

Ape hunters make much money selling humans to zoos.  Once captured, the humans are treated as cattle as they are cleaned and vaccinated.  The more beautiful women and larger men are chosen for the zoo. Zoos prefer white women with large breasts and hairier men.  Red-haired women are particularly sought since they are rare and have a feisty nature. Some exhibits are large cages lined with straw.  Others resemble the humans' natural habitat and have pools, caves, and trees amid large grassy ranges. More and more zoos prefer the latter exhibits instead of the harsh cages.

Visiting the zoo is a popular activity among Simian families.  Human exhibits are particularly favored by ape children.  The human exhibits are quite the spectacle as they are hairless and possess freakishly large sex organs. Apes feed treats to the humans. Such treats are usually dried pieces of fruit or meat. The female beasts press their faces and dark golden breasts against the bars while holding out their hands, whimpering until fed. The males howl, shake bars, and beat their chests in hopes of getting a reward.  Treats are given to the beast who degrades itself the most.   Some apes give treats to humans who perform tricks while others throw treats into a pack of humans and watch them fight.  Ape children tease humans who imitate apes. "Human see, human do" is popular phrase among the apes.    

Human cubs are often displayed in petting zoos to the great delight of ape children. A cub is sometimes leashed and taken to schools.  However, humans are slaughtered or donated to a lab when they become old as they are not suitable for eating or breeding.  The man is sold when his beard becomes gray and the woman when most of her sex becomes gray.  Some of the more unethical zookeepers sell them to underground man-fighting rings.

Humans are aggressive and can't be placed in exhibits with other animals. However, humans adapt rather easily to captivity.   These beasts play in water and climb trees. They sometimes chase each other as dogs do for fun. They usually sleep snuggled together in couples or families. They like to fight and mate.  Couples and families enjoy playing in the water.  The male beasts tend to be very protective of their mates and offspring.  Mateless women tend to congregate together while single men stay to themselves when not pursuing a woman.    

Human exhibits are noisy as these hairless beasts constantly grunt, whine, and howl.  Chest-beating is a common way for the brutes to express themselves, especially when angry or seeking favor of the opposite sex.  The rule of women over men ends in captivity as women no longer outnumber the men. Men thus mount women at will.  Men fight over the same female and women over the same male. 

Zookeepers are careful at feeding time as humans are known to bite them if they get too close.  Animal handlers will beat the nasty brute when bitten. However, permanent harm is avoided as humans are expensive to replace.  Zoo humans are treated well and receive proper veterinary care.  They are fed a healthy diet of raw meat and vegetables.  Some zoos train these naked primates to perform tricks for visitors.  Their favorite trick is to perform somersaults or swing from ropes attached to trees. 

Zoos will cut the long hair of women and sell it for a high price.  Some zoos also breed humans and sell the offspring as they feed a growing demand for the human beast. There are fewer wild humans as ape civilization encroaches on the jungles, causing them to disappear. Nothing is left to chance when it comes to breeding.   A man is placed into a smaller cage with a fertile woman. The frenzied male performs his mating dance around the woman, much to the amusement of the male zookeepers.  They usually laugh and crudely encourage the man as he mounts the woman. Sometimes they throw large chunks of raw meat to him after he concludes the copulation and yell "good boy."   He greedily devours the bloody food, savagely beats his chest, and howls his conquest of the female as the apes chuckle. Later, the cub is born and sold after it is old enough to survive apart from the mother.

Apes enjoy watching men and women copulate as stories are told of how humans made sport of the mating of apes when intelligence was reversed. Some wildlife shows on television play humorous music while humans mate.  Ape youths visiting the zoo tease the humans by imitating their mating dance.  The humans dumbly look at them, unaware of their degradation.  Exhibits post stories of the downfall of humans, showing pictures of beautiful, civilized women copied from ancient texts. Such women are a stark contrast from these naked, howling females who are dirty and unshaven. 

Apes point at the stories and laugh at the female beasts. Their sex was once clothed but is now unshaven while the curly hair clings to bare legs.  Breasts once covered are now naked, dark golden, proudly displayed.  Manicured nails are now the claws of an animal.   The women bite each other, tearing out hair as they show jealously over any male. They love to mate, sometimes several times in a day. "Horny as a human" is another common ape phrase.  A woman will approach the brute and begin to rub her breasts and sex against him as she makes her interest known. After the male is aroused, the grunting female will mount her new mate and complete the sexual act in front of the ape visitors, showing no shame. It's a humiliating fall for a species who once ruled over all animals.  However, nature is somewhat kind as these hairless beasts are oblivious to the nature of their fate.

Stories told by our ancestors say women lost their powers of speech before men and happily became naked animals.  It is easy to believe since women have a more savage nature. The men later returned to the animal state as they mated with the feral females.   Archeological digs indeed discovered large decayed piles of human clothes where humans fled civilization and returned to the wild.  Their offspring was born wild, naked, and dumb.

Human beasts have resisted every effort to reintroduce them to civilization.  No attempt is made to speak even though they possess vocal chords.  They prefer the natural state as they violently resist their past.   Sometimes, apes will make sport of the humans by clothing a brute and placing it into the cage with the rest of the herd.  The other men and women become violent upon seeing their kind clothed.  They howl, extend claws, and savagely rip the clothes off the offending beast.  Once the beast is again naked, they beat their chests, stamp their feet, and howl.   Humans groomed and cleaned are shunned by their kind until they assume the look of a beast. 

Some so-called animal rights groups want to close all zoos but several efforts to return humans to the wild have failed.  The captive humans are no longer able to survive in their natural habitat and eventually die soon after their return.  Ape zoologists have thus concluded that humans should be killed instead of returned to the jungle.   The commercial demand for humans is simply too great to stop the hunt and capture of wild humans.


  1. Another zoo pic or more would be cool to see.

    1. It will be quite a while before we return to this one.


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